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At AUMC Kids, children are celebrated! We learn, serve, and have FUN together. We believe in the importance of community and intentional relationship with others. We provide opportunities for parents and children to grow their faith together. We sing, play music, laugh, and love one another.


All our volunteers are trained and screened in accordance with Aldersgate UMC’s Safe Sanctuaries policy.


The best way to stay in touch with what’s happening is to subscribe to our weekly newsletter for announcements, events, and our favorite parenting and ministry resources.



Sunday Morning Small Group


We view Sunday school as a time to learn the bible basics: the bible stories, how to use and navigate the bible, and that the bible is more than just an old book – it is the story of God’s love for us and a helpful tool to learn and grow in God and through our relationships with family and friends. We offer age-appropriate Sunday School classes for preschool through 5th grade on Sunday mornings from 10:00 – 10:50.



Preschool (ages 3-4 by Sept 1) meets in room next to the nursery, room 108 There are hands-on activities and Bible
story each week.

Elementary age (K - 5th grade) meets in rooms 111, 112, 113 with hands-on activities, interactive Biblical teaching, and small group time.


Nursery is available for children 8 weeks to age 3 from 8:50 - 12:00


Sunday Nights
































During the school year, children age 4 through 5th grade are welcome from 5:30 - 7 pm for snack supper, group activities, and children's choir.  Check-in inside and pick up inside the Welcome Center! Please watch Facebook or Instagram for last minute changes. 


Special events include: flashlight egg hunt, music and arts week, splash bash, and trunk or treat.


Contact our Director of Children's Ministry Brittney Saffell at with additional questions. 


Office Hours:

Monday 9:30 - 2:00 

Tuesday 9:30 - 2:00 pm

Wednesday 9:30 - 2:00 pm





One Big Night_graphic_april28th__edited.

(256) 883-9062


12901 Bailey Cove Rd 

Huntsville, AL 35803

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