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Music Ministries

Nikki Metzger Skidmore leads both traditional and contemporary music. She welcomes new musciians, singers, and ringers. Contact for more info.

contemporary worship band

Practices on Thursday evenings at 6pm. This group plays each Sunday at 11am in the Contemporary Worship Service. Members should be able to read from a standard chord chart and be proficient musicians, and be self-motivated to continue to learn new repertoire. Please let Nikki know if you are interested in auditioning.


Children’s Choir

Our children’s choir is for K-5th grade and is incorporated into the 5:30-7pm Sunday Night children’s programming. For more information email our children's director, Brittney Saffell.


Ladies’ Ensemble

Contact Kathy Young for details The group meets as needed throughout the year on Sundays at 5pm to prepare for 3-4 Sundays throughout the year.


adult Handbell choir

The handbell choir rehearsals are Wednesdays from 5:45pm-6:30pm in the Choir Room from September through April. We play in services about once every 6-8 weeks. We range in skill levels from beginner to advanced, and we always have room for another ringer or people who want to join as an "alternate" ringer! Contact Nikki Metzger Skidmore for more info.


Chancel Choir

Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm sings anthems weekly, as well as assists in leading the congregational singing. This choir prepares several special musical presentations throughout the liturgical year. Participants may join throughout the year.

Instrumental Music

We often have opportunity to incorporate strings, wind, brass and percussion instruments in our traditional worship. If you have experience and are interested in exploring the possibility of playing in this service, please contact Nikki right away!


Children’s Ministry

There are several different ways you can get involved in serving with AUMC Kids!


Serve our littlest members by signing up for our nursery rotation! One Sunday a month from 8:30 – 11:30, you will have the opportunity to play with, read to, and care for the sweet babies in our nursery.

Sunday School

We teach our children the importance of serving others, and what better way to model Jesus’ servant heart than by joining us in Sunday School? Our children need adult role models like you who will help out in Sunday School – sometimes all it takes to grow in relationship with others is simply being present. Please contact Brittney Saffel if you are interested in serving our children in Sunday School.

Sunday Nights

Sunday nights are always high-energy and a lot of fun! We cook, we make art, we perform science experiments, and more! Come join us.


Boy Scout Troop 368

Troop 368 has been serving the youth in Southeast Huntsville for over 25 years. We are a small troop and believe that Outing is a fundamental part of Scouting. We camp, canoe, and hike throughout the year and routinely send crews to the Northern Tier High Adventure Canoe Base, Philmont Scout Ranch, and BSA SeaBase. We emphasize the philosophy of boy-led troop, allowing our Scouts to learn leadership skills, leading to productive and contributing members of society. Boy Scout Troops are open to boys ages 11-17. For more information about Troop 368, please visit our website.

Venture Crew 368

Crew 368 is a co-ed, high adventure focused crew. We have frequent hiking, canoeing, climbing, and other adventurous outdoor trips. We regularly send a crew to the BSA High adventure bases: Northern Tier, Philmont, and SeaBase. Venture Crews are open to boys and girls ages 14-20. For more information about Crew 368, please contact Matt McCollum.


(256) 883-9062


12901 Bailey Cove Rd 

Huntsville, AL 35803

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